Currently I have two dogs, two really tiny dogs, Mimí y
Leila. Her names are curious because they are character opera names. Mimí is
character of the opera “La bohème” y Leila is a character of the opera “Les
Pêcheurs de Perles”.

3 years ago, again we bought a dog (I really love the dogs)
because Mimí was a lot of time alone, so we thought that a company would be good.
We decided to buy a Yorkshire Terrier dog, her name is Leila. Her personality
is opposite to Mimí´s and her hair too (they are my ying and yang).
I really love my both dog, they are my life and I am always
concerned when something it is wrong with them because I hope they remains happy and live many more years.
I love Mimí and Leila!!! But she are sor barking hahahahaah