Friday, May 17, 2019

The Amalia glacier

This photo was taken last year when my parents and I went on a trip to south of Chile. I like it because we usually travel to places with warm climate but my parents wanted another destination and it was also my firts time on a cruise.

We made a marine journey on the Skorpios III (cruise name) for three nights to the “Campo de Hielo Sur” (route “Kaweskar”). I don’t know much the south and even less the glaciers so for me it was an experience totally different.

The cruise started the navigation in “Puerto Natales” city and the first excursion was the next day. We disembarked close to “Amalia” glacier but anyway we had to walk for being nearer, there my father took the picture of me (he really love to take photos and especially if it is one of me and my mother). 

I also liked this travel because since we had our pets we haven´t been able to go out together. 

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